Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy 18th Birthday Beautiful Molly

Happy Birthday girl!!! Isn't she just lovely. Now, I know this is not your traditional picture, but there is not much traditional about this girl. She is one of a kind and we are glad that she is a part of this family.

April 2 is a very special day, because you were born. You have always been a blessing to us. Your parents picked this day for your birth (C-Section) as they did not want to have an April Fool's baby. Wouldn't it have been a joke on them if you would have decided to be born that day anyhow. You have always been a blessing to us and we are amazed at all of your talents and desires. God has blessed you.

We pray that you will have a very special day. Eighteen! WOW! Where did all of the time go? In a few short months you will be off to college and then Look Out World!!!

By the way, don't you think it would be grand if Grandpa would fix up this old pickup truck? I have tried to get him to do it many times. That was his first truck and that was where it quit him for the last time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Feel Spring In the Air

It's a BEAUTIFUL day. Yesterday, it rained and threatened snow, but today is beautiful. Spring has arrived. I can see the buds on the apricot and peach trees getting fat and ready to burst. I hope that they don't get too anxious and it will probably freeze several times at night before it really gets spring in the panhandle. Last year, there was not any fruit because of a late frost so I am hoping that we will have some this year. We especially look forward to having a good crop of wild sandhill plums. Sand plums make the best jelly. I always try to pick enough to put some in the freezer for the years that we don't have a crop. We missed two years in a row so my store was depleted. My family loves this jelly and I always like to have some made as gifts for Christmas, and for welcoming newcomers to the community. It is a great way to get your foot in the door and welcome a new friend.

I don't have my garden tilled yet. It has been too wet and I guess that my potatoes and onions will be planted on good Friday instead of St Patricks day. I really don't plant too many potatoes though, just enough for fresh new ones with peas or beans. Mostly, we plant okra, beans, squash , tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. That is what does best in our soil and that is what we like when it is fresh. I am not like my dear grandmother. When she had a garden, it was intended to raise the food for the year. This she did, and her gardens produced enough to share and sell. It was nothing for her to can 500 to 700 quarts of vegetables and fruit a year. This was before many people were freezing their produce. There came a day when she knew that she would have to slow down though. One year, she didn't have any jars and had to pour out some of the older goods to have jars for the fresh things. After that she didn't plant such a large garden. She would think me to be lazy, I fear.

I have watched the birds getting friendly with one another and choosing their nesting spot. One of the favorites of the finches seems to be right over my car in the carport. I do enjoy watching them but hate the mess. I have learned to move my car just a little though and it helps to keep it clean. Mother bird, always has a clean nest as she has trained her babies to turn their tail to the outside and hit what is below. What a smart little thing.

Yes, I can feel spring in the air. The yard is calling and I can see a lot of work to do out there but I think I have a bad case of the Spring Fever or maybe it is just plain laziness, so I think I will first go and take a nap. Don't you think that sounds like a good idea????

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It has been quite a week on the Ranch. All of the kids and grandkids except for one were home. We have had company for 1 week. Oh not all of them but they were all here together for a couple of days. It is nice to get together, but mostly it is nice to come home and recapture the things of your youth. You know those like Mom makes the meals, picks up, does the laundry. All that sort of thing. Now not all of them revert to that but it is just a natural thing. I know that I sometimes still do it when I go to my own Mom's and she is 87 years old. There are things that you just want your parents to do for you.

Grandpa has had quite a week of letting the little ones help him with the feeding. He lets them all drive around the pasture while on his lap. I notice that he always has a hand on or near the steering wheel too. He even let the 3 year old great niece drive. Aren't grandpa's just wonderful or CRAZY? My grandpa never let that happen. Times have changed. My kids would say "Yea, but did you really want to hitch up the team?" The Rancher spent a lot of time fishing, hunting and riding too. He had a lot of help with that. The son and sons-in-law are great with the fishing and hunting division and Andi is great on the horse. Read all about at Andi's Ramblings.

The all had a lot of stories to tell about growing up and somehow, their stories aren't always the same as I remembered them. I guess I am getting forgetful. They could not always agree with each other about how hings happened though. Dawn found a lot of old pictures and we had a lot of fun.

I thought that I would show this picture to prove that I have rode a horse or at least sit on one. Isn't that a hoot, a Ranchers wife that doesn't like to ride horses. I wasn't fortunate enough to have a good instructor like my own children and never really thought about there being a special technique until I was older and didn't wish to make that climb anymore.

We were also informed that our oldest granddaughter would be getting married in the fall and we are so pleased with the young man that she brought out to join us for a time. I guess I really have to get serious about this diet as I don't want her to be embarressed to take a picture of me and grandpa.

I know it will be quiet around here for a few days but I always think of what my grandmother said when we were all getting ready to leave her home after a big day. She had 7 children 22 grandchildren and countless greats. She would inform us that there was no need to clean up the kitchen after supper. (We would spend the entire day). She said "Now I will just be so lonely that this will keep me from missing everyone." Wasn't she sweet to say that. In reality she meant, " Now if you will all just get out of here, as quickly as you can, I can have a little peace and quiet."
Grandpa, always said that he liked the lights on the car. The headlights when everyone came home and the taillights when they left looked pretty good too. They loved us all though and I know just what they meant.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I kneel down here before you Lord,
At the beginning of this day,
I have so much to thank you for,
As I bow my head and pray.

Some days there are so many things
That I need to do,
Sometimes I'm in such a hurry
That I don't take time for you.

Today, I want to thank you,
For the blessings that you give,
They come through opportunities,
Family and friends.

Some days, it seems that all I do
Is wipe little tears, and noses--
And referee the water fights,
That went from water guns to hoses.

I must make sure that one cookie
Isn't bigger that another
Remind them that thy musn't hit
Their sister or their brother.
Children and then Grandchildren--Thank you for this Blessing.

Honey, Can you please come and help me
Sort the cattle through the gate?
The truck will be here shortly, and
I don't want him to wait.

But, then, He helps me run the sweeper,
And he does the dishes too.
He prays with me each morning
As we start our day with you.
My Husband--Thank you for this Blessing.

The home that I grew up in,
My parents who lead the way,
It was the place where Sisters and brothers
Learned to laugh, work, sing and play.
Family-- Thank you for this Blessing.

I have one who knows when to call me
We talk for hours on the phone.
Another stops in to see me,
When she thinks I am feeling all alone.

One baked cookies for me
When I didn't have the time
One always keeps me laughing,
Another lends a shoulder to cry on.
My Friends--Thank you for these Blessings

The Rains that we pray for,
The wind that turns the mill.
The sun shining on the prairie,
The song of a whippoorwill.

The building where I worship,
The friends that fill each pew,
These are all special Blessings
And all have come from you.
Opportunities--I thank you for this Blessing.

From my files. I might say that God has blessed me in so many ways that I cannot count them all. We take so many things for granted, but in truth---All things good come from Him.

On the lighter side---

Why do we say something is out of whack--What is a whack?
If Superman is so smart, why does he wear his underpants over his trousers?
If people born in Poland are cales "Poles" why aren't people from Holland called "Holes?"
And finally---The older you get, The better you realize you were.