Thursday, June 11, 2009

Life Just Ain't Fair

I have always heard that....Life just ain't or (in the proper English) isn't fair. Well now I believe it for a fact. Just last week a young rancher in North Dakota won himself $232 million to invest in his ranching operation. It seems a shame that one so young should be handed that amount of money. Now don't get me wrong, I am happy for him, all his neighbors are happy for him and probably his BANKER is happy for him but I think that he is just too young to have that much money to use in the Ranching business.

He needs to struggle for a few years. He needs to sweat and wonder how in the world he is going to pay the note that is due, He needs to wonder how he is going to support his Ranch and family. He needs to worry about blah blah blah and on and on and on....

Seriously, this young man just seemed so young. Why couldn't this have happened to someone who had struggled through the tough times for years, and wondered why God had allowed him to be a rancher anyway. He has missed out on a lot.

I wish Him luck and I understand that he will only get $88 million of it. Poor Guy, life is tough. I hope that he uses it wisely and that he will be able to ranch for the rest of his life.

I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle in life and that is why the Rancher and I don't have a lot of money and the real reason that we haven't won the lottery is because we haven't, and never will bought a ticket. So you see, I just never tried to be a millionaire. And Life is fair.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Who wants fair? If life was fair I would be given everything other people have been "given" but I wouldn't want their life. Nope, it's not fair, but it is life...

Hey! My word verification is dronogra...I think that's a little old woman (probably a former blogger) who drones on and on and on...