Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank Goodness it is Friday.

Well, now, I really don't know why that should matter to me. You see, I don't have a real job, I am the Ranchers wife and I work at least 6 days a week and, 7 if necessary. Of course most of it is by choice. The Rancher does have Son help him on occassion. Today and tomorrow though, they have decided to take the boat to Canton and fish. I chose not to go. I had work to do. I had to weed the garden, spread weed and feed on the acreage that I call a yard and I have to stay at home and feed the baby calf that lost his mother to lightening. Someone in this family has to work. After all, I want to take off in a few days and go to northern part of the country and not go fishing. Don't tell the Rancher that I said that. That is his passion and I like it on occassion but I do like to have an adventure.

I might go to town in the morning and take in a garage sale or two since I don't have anyone to answer to. I might even sleep late, and I might eat what I want to. Right now, I think a dish of ice cream sounds goo. I worked hard this morning and I surely burned a few calories. I also walked but not 4 miles thank you. Some people are out of their minds. I used to do that when I was young. Now I just think about it and that's as far as it gets.

About Friday. Well, I remember as a working person, I was always glad for that day. I still am. It means that I have survived for another week and maybe we will have some friends over for cards or go visiting. That is our thing on Saturday and then Sunday is Church and rest. I like that. It refreshes and gives us strength for a new week. If you don't have a church home, spend some time finding one and let your mind and body be renewed. It is a great feeling. Have a good week end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go Mom--two posts in one week! Woo Hoo! Too bad it isn't town wide garage sale weekend here..... :)